Performance Ball
Door sales will be available from 6pm.
For non dancers that want to see what swing dancing is all about, this is a great event for you! We start the night with a taster class so you can learn a couple of steps and have a dance or two. Plus we plenty of performances from students and teachers to inspire you and show you what we can do.
For students, for 6 weeks leading up to this event, we will be teaching choreography in all our classes. Come to any class for 5 weeks in a row and you will know an entire routine and can perform it at the Ball for your friends and family. It may be scary but this is a fantastic way to push your dancing and have a great time :) Plus you, if you perform, you get free entry to the Ball.
If you don't want to perform, not to worry, you are still welcome to come to classes and learn parts of the routines and you will still have a great time at the ball, there will be performances yes, but there also plenty of social dancing too.
Keep an eye on our monthly newsletter or the Facebook event. for more details.